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Friday, December 23, 2011

Love Came Down

It's almost here.
The gifts are wrapped and under the tree.
The baking is done.
From in here, it looks a lot like Christmas. But if you look out the window, you might not ever guess it. The only snow around here looks something like this:

It's hard to fathom a Christmas without snow in Minnesota. It does make for conversation and memories. And easier travel!

But regardless of what it looks like outside, it is Christmas.

And I feel it on the inside.

Really, I've heard it said, how "Love came down", and I know it's true. Left heaven where all is joy and peace and laughter and all the angels singing to Him, to come here. To a world He breathed into existance, crafted of beauty for His creation, those created in His image. And I wonder if that is why we love to give, because we are created in our Maker's image-- and isn't He the one who gave it all? This gift of Himself. A baby king, humbly and  lovingly wrapped and placed to rest in a manger made of wood and nails in a barn where animals came to get their daily food. Born because of love. And then, a man, scornfully and cruelly stripped and made to wear a crown of thorns on his head and to carry the wood and be pierced with the nails that we might have the Bread of Life. It's a crazy- beautiful true story.

In  Leaves of Gold:  An Anthology of Prayers, Memorable Phrases, Inspirational Verse and Prose,  I found this:
John 3:16

1. God ~ the greatest lover.
2.  So loved ~ the greatest degree.
3.  The World ~ the greatest company.
4.  That He gave ~ the greatest act.
5.  His only begotten Son ~ the greatest gift.
6.  That whosoever ~ the greatest opportunity.
7.  Believeth ~ the greatest simplicity.
8.  In Him ~ the greatest attraction.
9.  Should not perish ~ the greatest promise.
10.  But ~ the greatest difference.
11.  Have ~ the greatest certainty.
12.  Eternal life ~ the greatest possession.


Jesus is Love, the greatest gift of all at Christmas and every minute of every day throughout the whole year.

I hope you will enjoy the music. The song is one of my favorites called  The Miracle of Christmas, by Steven Curtis Chapman.

Have a blessed and Merry Christmas!

I will be back sometime shortly (I hope) after the new year. I'd like to take some time to finish "building" this blog and I need to get some school planning done. :o)

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