knocking, and I have should have counted to ten almost ten times already, it's time to gather up these would-be gremlins and get out before we go mad. So, we tidy up and I try my best to hide the green wicked witch with the wart on my nose and don my prettiest Glenda face and look for my sparkling wand, and Sam slips on his shoes and pushes my hair off my face and says "you're my best mom " and kisses my forehead and I wonder, why are some days just like this? And I hope the wart is gone before we get to town. And this black cape always around my shoulders lately...Josh grabs the Hardy Boys and ducks out to the car before I change my mind.
But I won't change my mind because it's Christmas and we are talking about joy and peace and love and giving and we sure could use a little more of that today! And the enemy doesn't want us to talk about these things, these things that are Love Coming Down from heaven every day and every minute but that everyone is trying to gather up now, and give away now, quickly, because it's Christmas. The reminders are there in the nativity scenes and the Christmas music, but we rush past and mutter over our to-do list. Smile a Merry Christmas. And I'm guilty of it too, this hurry to get things done and whew, I just need to slow it down and spend some time in peace and love and joy and giving.
So today, we hurried and harried crabby patties here drove the three miles to town for a change of scenery, some peace, and some lunch. And just the mention of going sent the meanies scrambling! There was peace in the car and joy at the table!! And we were giving smiles and time and we slowed it down.
And we had hot chocolate.

And even above the people and the dishes clanging in the kitchen, we heard the beautiful notes of a choir singing "Joy to the World"!
So the crabby patties and the meanies, and the wicked witch, too, scrambled and melted when the real Christmas joy and peace and giving was welcomed back in to our day. And the road home... was merry and bright! :o)
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