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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On a Tuesday Morning

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I know this for sure: I am in waaaaaay over my head. This day has too many things that need to be done and I could be swallowed up in it all.  But this morning it is just the two boys and me. It is quiet. I send up "popcorn prayers" througout the morning and just do what I know to do. The next thing. Josh is whistling at the table while he copies airplane words into his notebook. Sam is making up his own song while he pulls Scotch tape, "we had a good day. Oh yeah. We had a good day. Oh yeah. We let Gilbert out to run and when you run outside it can be a good day. We had a good day. Mom-do you like my song?" I do. And I like the quiet song of a text message from Hubby in the dark and scissors and markers and paper and the bread maker. The rolling out of the dishwasher rack. The thud of the wood into the burning ashes. The sigh of a basset curled up.
No, I won't be swallowed up. I'll be soaking it in.

From the Preface to Abba's Child by Brennan Manning:

Today on planet Earth,
 may you experience the wonder and beauty
of yourself as Abba's Child
 and temple of the Holy Spirit
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 comment:

Diane said...

It looks like such a peaceful day at the Hunter's!!!! Love the pictures.