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Monday, May 14, 2012

This Mother's Day

The morning was beautiful and Hubby and I enjoyed it early with a cup of coffee in hand as we slid on our flip-flops and quietly slipped outside. ( I love being out here--we can go out with bed-head in our sleepwear!!)  Birds flitted as we walked about, observing how some of our young trees and plants had managed through the winter months. Some did not do well. Only half of the lilac bushes sticks we put in look as though they've made it. And that birch, I just don't know. But even so, the green and the breeze in the morning sun is worthy of the soaking in on a Sunday morning. So we did.  And so began the day.

After church, we stopped at the Farmhouse Cafe in Clarissa and picked up the bucket of chicken we had ordered this morning and drove over to Staples to meet up with some of our family for a Mother's Day picnic at the park.  It was a warm and breezy afternoon and we had the whole park all to ourselves. It was as close to perfect as it  could be.

We parted ways when it was time for naps and work and we drove the long way home and picked up ice cream. We admired the gifts and planted in the ground. 
We took a snooze. Rode the four-wheeler. Ate ice cream. Enjoyed the day fully.

And the day ended with green and warm sunshine and breezes.
Happy Mother's Day!

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