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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Love: It's What's for Breakfast

Hubby was out of town, so I set the alarm on my phone for 6:30. We rarely set an alarm when he's home because he just wakes up early.  I don't.  If I want to be up before the boys, and I do, then I need a wake-up call. The cell phone is a much quieter, kinder way to start the day than the obnoxious honking of our digital alarm clock!

I heard the drawer slide shut in their bedroom. I heard the cupboard door close in the kitchen and the sound of cereal dumping into a bowl. The refrigerator opened and closed. I looked over at Samuel who had crawled in with me during the night. He was sleeping at an angle across the bed with one leg outside the covers and one across my lower back. Did I shut the alarm off in my sleep?! I reached over to the phone and checked the time: 6:24. Nope. Joshua was just up extra early. I turned the alarm off.

He walked into the bedroom with his usual morning greeting, "Love you to infinity and beyond! I win!" He had a smile on his face, and in his hands he carried a cookie-sheet tray which had on it a plate of toast, a bowl of heart-shaped cheerios, a glass of milk for me and Samuel's cup with milk in it for him. "I've got breakfast ready for you."

It's not my birthday. Mother's Day is still a ways off. I've not been sick.


He set the tray in my lap, went back down to the kitchen and returned with another tray-a glass brownie pan-which held Samuel's breakfast. Samuel was just waking up,  a little groggy yet, and didn't want to have his cereal and peanut butter toast in his lap. He rolled out of bed and Josh followed him back downstairs to the kitchen. I heard their friendly chatter as they ate their breakfast together.

As I was enjoying buttery toast in bed, my cell phone jingled a few happy notes letting me know I had a text message. From my Hubby: "Have a good day. Love you."

Love for breakfast! Is there anything better??


Anonymous said...

How awesome is that!!!!
Love you!
Heidi jo

Tina said...

Very awesome indeed!! Sending a little breakfast love your way this morning!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a way to start your day. :) Hope the rest goes as wonderfully well.

Bakka's Blog said...

Nothing better!!! That love will last all day long too. love you