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Thursday, July 5, 2012

100 on the 4th

Phew. Wow.
Hot 'nough for ya? Only a few degrees shy of 100 today.

I am so very thankful for air conditioning. So very thankful.
But, nonetheless, today was the 4th of July and that means being outside. It just does.
Our families' tradition, dating back to 1976 and the Centennial Year, has been to be in Erhard for the 4th of July Celebration. Since Hubby and I grew up in and near the same town, we both brought that same tradition into our married life. And today is only the third time that I can recall in all of those years (36!!) that I have not been in Erhard.

Even though we did not travel to Erhard this year, we did celebrate in much the same way. This morning, Hubby took out the Model A and washed it and shined it up nice for the parade in Park Rapids. Joshua signed up to be with his Taekwondo class and Hubby volunteered to drive our old car and be the "water boy".

Oh it was hot. And the weather was threatening. It rumbled and the wind came up and a few drops splashed to the sidewalk and sizzled for a split second before disappearing. And then it was still hot.
We had plans to go to R and I's after the parade.
But first things first.
Ahhhh. Water. Cool, clear water.
We drove into Menahga for a quick splash while Hubby helped his brother Travis with some electrical work at their new old house in town. And then we sped home.
Because we had plans to end the day with s'mores and some fireworks.
The weather wanted to be an issue but somehow we managed to be always on the edge of it and our plans were not dampened a bit.
The sky turned from gray to yellow to pink. It rumbled and flashed lightning and the little ones were as mesmerized by that as they were the fireworks.
Then all the sparks had sparkled and all the marshmallows melted.
It was time to end another 4th of July celebration.
Oh, and it was hot.

1 comment:

Diane said...

This looks like a great day!! Josh looked pretty warm during the parade! luv u