Sometimes, what may be a big opportunity presents itself in a very small window. And you just don't know. It seems it may be just the thing. Like it could very well be an answer to some long prayed prayers. And there's this nervous excitement at the possibilities. And you wonder. So you pray but you don't know for certain because you'd be leaving so much behind and the only way to know is just to move ahead with the things you know would have to happen and ask God to close the doors if it's not from Him. So that's what we did.
It happened like this: I had been lamenting the losses and the changes in the homeschool community we've always been a part of. Couple that with the wishing I've been doing whenever I read the goings-on of the homeschool community in Windom. (Green is my favorite color, but envy doesn't wear well.) One day about two weeks ago, Hubby texted me what I thought to be an odd message about a tidbit of info he'd gotten about a co-worker retiring soon.
So??... Well, the area soon to be open was none other than the very place I'd been spending some spare time daydreaming about. OHHHHH!!!
So began some urgent prayers. And a lot of questions. I began scouring the internet. I was looking at churches and tae kwon do schools and houses. So many things to consider. And really, when it came right down to it, if everything lined up right, was this for sure what we wanted? I was a wishy-washy mess on a rollercoaster ride. I would have myself convinced one way and go downstairs to talk with my Hubby about how absolutely sure I was about it. And then a few hours later, after all the possibilities of different scenarios played out in my imagination, I would go back down to his office and tell him again how absolutely sure I was about something different. The list of pros and cons teeter-tottered back and forth.

We made some calls. The realtor came out. She talked with us about the different ways of doing things and sounded very hopeful about a fairly quick sale. Hubby and I discussed everything some more. We hadn't really expected to get news of that kind in this economy. But there was more than the selling of a house to consider. Our family. Our grandchildren. Our church family. The stress of starting over in a very short amount of time.
We called the girls. They each said that the thought of us moving away was kind of a shock, but that they were good and gave us their blessing and best wishes. Erin even reminded us that she's always up for a good road trip!
So we made a road trip.
We loaded up the boys and a suitcase just in case and drove south early on a windy Saturday to Windom. The boys drew pictures and looked at books in the back seat while we listened to the new Phillips Craig and Dean cd. We saw acre upon acre of rolling farm land. And wind turbines. It is prettier there in May than it is in the wintertime! We met with a realtor and looked at houses. We drove around to get a feel for the things Hubby would be seeing in his work should we move there. We ate a nice meal in Jackson and were on our way home. Sooner than I thought we would be.
We knew.
We went through Browerville on the way home and stopped at the church building and mowed and cleaned. It felt good. Good to get out and stretch our legs and exert some energy. Good to know we would be here the next day. And the next Sunday after that. And many more Sundays after that.
Once we got home, Hubby tuned in the radio and turned on the computer for the end of the NASCAR race.
We are in the right place.